Mom Resolutions for the New Year


Who is ready for a new year?! Like many people, I’m going to use the new year as a fresh start! Some of these are 100% serious, and some are on the silly side (with a hint of truth to every single one).

Do any of these resonate with you?? What’s your new year’s resolution? Make sure to comment below and let us know!

This year I will: 

Get stronger, lose some weight, build some confidence. Mainly for me, but also to be a good example for my children and my family.

Eat healthier and stop making pizza and chicken nuggets a regular staple in my child’s diet. Try harder to beat the picky eating. Sad but true, sometimes I’ll give in just so my 3-year-old will EAT. SOMETHING. ANYTHING. But maybe I could be trying a little harder to get him to choose healthier options. Setting a better example would help, I’m sure!

Only go through one bottle of wine a week. Okay, I don’t normally drink a bottle of wine each week … but I know I wish I was! Maybe I should change that to “finish a bottle a week.”

Pick one thing to clean every day and if that’s the only thing that gets done, don’t beat myself up. I got some good advice recently. Print up a sheet with all the chores you want to get done on any given day. Laminate it and hang it up. If you can mark through ONE thing on that list every day, you have accomplished something. Having a visual aid to what you have succeeded in each day, it will not only encourage you to do more, but it may help keep you from feeling guilty if you didn’t get it ALL done.

Get out of the house at least twice a week, for my sanity. This is critical. Some weeks I just don’t feel like making the effort to get all of us ready and out the door. When we do, though, it’s SO worth it (most of the time). It really helps me be more patient and less snippy with my button-pushing toddler.

Check-in on my mom friends and build those relationships. We need each other! It takes a village, seriously. Find some mom friends and whenever you think of it, text them! Something funny your kid said, an idea for moms’ night out, or just to say “hope you’re hanging in there!” A few words go a long way in making us feel less alone.

Go out without the kids at least twice a month. Whether it’s date night, mom’s night out, or getting out by myself to walk around Target, get a pedicure, or see a movie alone. Get out of the house WITHOUT the kids.

Choose a hobby and carve out some time to do something I love. The last book I read was over a year ago and it was a potty-training book. Even then it felt so good to immerse myself into the pages and sneak away to read. I miss reading! I’d love to find a good fiction to get into (suggestions welcome!). If you don’t know what to do, try something you saw on Pinterest, or walk through Hobby Lobby until something strikes your fancy. Ask friends what they like to do and try one of those things. It’s important to find time to be someone other than just “mom”!

Shower regularly. Shave more regularly than I do now. Thank goodness it’s not swimsuit season … that’s all I’m saying!

Get to the gym, walk, or workout at least three times a week. Believe me, I know how hard it is to get some activity in when you have kids. But I’m finding the time and I love getting out and being more active!

Don’t let myself have pointless arguments with my 3-year-old. Remember who is boss. I am the boss. Do you ever have days when you find yourself in a back-and-forth argument with your toddler? What?! No! I’m in charge here! I don’t need to argue my point! I struggle with this regularly with my incredibly bright and articulate 3-year-old.

Stop forgetting to start the slow cooker until it’s too late. Learn how to use the Instant Pot. I got an Instant Pot for Christmas because I never remembered to add things to the slow cooker in time. Now I can throw things in the Instant Pot right before my husband gets home and have it done when he walks in the door! Win!!

Start meal planning in advance, not the same day. I’m so bad at meal planning but it really does help a ton when I make it happen. If you order your groceries from Walmart or another grocery store in advance it’s really easy to select ingredients right off Pinterest and add them to your list as you meal plan. Plus, it helps you stay on budget!

So there’s my list. What’s yours?? I hope everyone has a wonderful and happy New Year and that we all stick to our resolutions! 

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Ayana Nell
Ayana is a stay-at-home mom to Leopold (2) and will add a baby girl to the mix this September. Born in Arizona but raised in Columbia, Ayana has had plenty of time to adjust to the heat and humidity, but can still be heard complaining about it all summer long. She has always taken an interest in all things baby and toddler, so all bets are off now that she has children of her own. Some of her interests include pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum (being a doula is on her to-do list) as well as baby clothes and gear. This passion mixed with having a tiny test subject led Ayana to start her own mommy blog, Little Prince Leopold. It is there and on her Instagram that she spends her free time talking about the latest and greatest in the kid world, as well as giving her opinions, advice, and firsthand experience on all things baby related. Ayana also loves reading (although she never makes time for it anymore), travel, Harry Potter, musicals, and watching Netflix in the evenings with her husband James and their dogs, Niko and Rahksi.


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