Learning to Navigate the Elementary School Years


My daughter is in first grade this year. It has been quite a transition from kindergarten, but she and I are learning to navigate it one day at a time. She is a great kid at school, but she has been a bit behind her peers when it comes to reading and math.

We are just wrapping up her third semester ever in elementary school and I’ve come to learn a few things when it comes to being her advocate for school. I am by no means and expert yet, but I think I’ve narrowed down a few tips that may help you navigate those early elementary years as well. 

Communication is Key 

I’ve noticed that no news from school doesn’t necessarily mean everything is fine. That’s not to say it’s anyone’s fault, as teachers are very overwhelmed and underpaid, but sometimes you, as a parent, need to reach out for an update and not wait around for those quarterly report cards. If you suspect your child may be struggling, ask now, not later.

Every Child Learns Differently

It’s important to understand that all children learn differently. Fortunately, teachers are trained to differentiate their instruction in order to teach children who learn differently from each other. Because we all know that what works for one child may not work for another. If you feel like your child may be struggling with learning a certain way, don’t be afraid to ask the teacher for ideas on other ways to help your child grasp the concepts. There are plenty of ways you can help your child at home. Making things into games is always a winner for us. 

Your Child May Be Behind

If your child is a little behind the others in their class, that is OK. There is such a range at this age on what they are able to absorb and master. My daughter needed some help with reading to catch up to her peers abilities, so she has intervention at school as well as private tutoring. In order to help our daughter we are intentional about reading with her at home and making it an enjoyable experience.

Comparison Will Be Your Downfall

Comparing your child’s abilities to other children will not get you anywhere. Meeting your child right where they are, and with who they are, will always be the golden ticket to success. 

Focus on Helping Them Just Be a Good Human

That’s really the end goal after all; to help our kids along in life so in the end they are just good humans. We want our children to be people who contribute to society with their strengths no matter what that is. People who include others and see the good in the world. People who help rather than hurt.

Elementary school is a learning experience for all, whether you’re the parent or the child. But it’s also a great time to watch how your child grows and blossoms each and every year. 

What did you learn about the elementary school years that you would add to the list?

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Lisa Freeburg
Lisa is a transplant from the Midwest. She was born and raised in Kansas (yes, she has seen a tornado) and spent a few years in Ohio before moving to South Carolina in 2014. She holds a degree in Biology and works as a research assistant at the USC School of Medicine. Her career in science spans 11 years and she can't imagine a job anywhere else. She has also been married to her college sweetheart for 11 years. He is a professor at USC, so they are Gamecock fans by default. They are proud parents to a spunky 2.5 year old girl who keeps them on their toes. As a family, they enjoy being outside in the wonderful southern sun, gardening, playing tennis, and going to the beach. They also are parents to 2 fur babies who still aren't sure about their little sister.


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