6 Ways to Increase and Maintain Your Milk Supply


It happened to me. I woke up one morning when my son was almost 8 months old and I was completely empty.

Not an ounce of milk.

“How can that be? I have nursed him since day one! He has always been able to nurse … now what?”

First, I took a deep breath and tried my best not to panic. Then I thought about what was going on in my life that could have contributed to a decrease in my supply … Stress. Travel. Baby eating real food. Distraction. Mama trying to get her groove back … no wonder my supply had dipped! As mothers, we spend so much time thinking about what we need to do, that sometimes we run out of time to do it, which is exactly what happened to me.

I knew I had to kick into high gear. It was time to go “back to the basics” of milk production and add some new things to my routine to up my supply.

Getting “Back to the Basics” of Milk Production

I had already been doing so many of the right things, which had allowed me to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months without any real hiccups. But once my little one began eating real food, I was distracted by all the new things he was learning and became complacent with my nursing. First things first … I had to go “back to the basics” of milk production.

1. I became more mindful of my water intake. If we are dehydrated, we will not make milk. I made sure I always had water near me and was always drinking it.  I find it helpful to drink while nursing, to “refill” as you become empty.

2. I increased stimulation. Since my son was now eating real food, my nursing sessions had become less frequent. While he was enjoying table food, I pumped to help signal my body to produce more milk. So I was stimulated 5-6 times a day again, rather than my normal 2-3. It is also beneficial to add in more nursing sessions and skin-to-skin contact, and you may want to consider a “nursing vacation.”

3. I upped my calories, specifically those that support lactation. Avocado, green vegetables, garlic, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and nuts are my go-to’s.

Milk Boosters to Add to the Routine

I knew not only was I going to have to get back to what I was doing right, but also add to my ritual. Here’s what I found worked:


It is an annual Mediterranean and Asiatic herb that is used as a culinary spice and is soothing to the stomach, as well as increase milk supply. This is a supplement that can be found at Whole Foods, 14 Carrot, and the Vitamin Shoppe (just to name a few). Take 2 capsules two to three times daily, preferably with food.

Lactation Smoothies

These are so delicious, there is a good chance I’ll continue to consume these after I stop nursing my son! The essential milk boosting ingredients are oats, brewer’s yeast, and flax (all these ingredients can be purchased at Whole Foods, or there are several online or other local retailers who sell brewer’s yeast and flax). Here is one of my favorite recipes:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of almond or cow’s milk
  • 1/3 cup of rolled oats ( I use organic)
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 tbsp brewer’s yeast
  • 1 tbsp flax
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Mothers Milk Tea

This is a loose tea or bagged tea that contains herbs such as fennel and anise (which give the tea a sweet, licorice-like taste), as well as coriander and fenugreek, which are all known to increase lactation. I really enjoy adding this to my day. Again, I found this at 14 Carrot, but can be found on Amazon or any health food or nutrition supplement store. Directions state you can enjoy 3-5 cups daily. I drink a cup of hot tea each afternoon as I try to relax and catch up on the latest during baby’s nap. This was an added bonus!

Important Resources to Consider

Each mother and nursing relationship is different, and what worked well for me might not always work well for someone else. If you are struggling with your supply, you may want to consider talking with a lactation consultant. In addition, the local La Leche League has meetings and leaders in the area who are available to offer support.

The Result

Three days after I added these things to my daily routine, my milk supply increased significantly, and we were back on the right path. The key is to not get frustrated, stay calm and committed to the goal you set, and know what you decide is what is best for you and your baby.

Did you have a similar experience? What worked well for you when trying to increase your supply?


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Jacquelyn McHugh
Jacquelyn, a native Floridian, recently moved to the Columbia area with her husband, Lance, and 11 month old son, Ashton. Jacquelyn began her healthcare career in Sports Medicine, where coaching became her passion. She is co-founder of Ygeia Wellness, a Wellness Coaching and Nutrition Consulting group focused on women. Work-at-home motherhood has proved to be one of the most fun (and trying!) experiences for her. Jacquelyn believes balance is the key to success, and enables women to engage in a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. “Your Health. Your Way. Your Time.” Those are the words that have become Jacquelyn’s mantra, and appropriately, her business motto. Jacquelyn loves cooking, eating and teaching about food and has become an advocate for holistic and natural prenatal and postpartum nutrition and care. Jacquelyn and Lance spend their free time exploring Columbia, visiting parks and local eateries, farmer markets and learning all they can about the area. When home, Jacquelyn enjoys making Ashton’s baby food-assuring it is wholesome and nutritious, reading crunchy mama blogs, or just spending time playing with her very active son. When she gets “alone” time, Jacquelyn enjoys yoga, dancing, running, watching Florida State Football, and planning adventures to learn all about South Carolina!


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! My daughter is 2 weeks old and I have been struggling with supply issues since day 1. I am already trying many of the things you suggested but will head to whole foods today to purchase items for the smoothie and the herbal supplement. Great article!

    • My son is two weeks as well and though I’m getting some milk…it doesn’t seem to be enough! Glad there are others who are in the same boat.

  2. I just purchased milkflow and it is a berry flavored powder to put in water. It has fenugreek and blessed thistle and promotes healthy breast milk supply.

  3. I found what REALLY helped me was a cup of mothers tea everyday , Fenugreek tablets 2 tablets 3x a day. Brewers yeast tablets, I would take between 2-4 3x a day. A lot of water !
    Lactation cookies and smoothies and pumping every 2-3 hours ?

  4. Wait a tic. Bread milk supply is related mostly to the number one factor of supply and demand. Isn’t this the universal truth??? If your supply has dropped its because your nursing sessions have dropped. That’s why EBF until at least 1 year is recommended. Once you start introducing solids…Yeah. Your supply will drop! The more you nurse. The more breast milk you make. The less you nurse. The less breast milk you will make. It’s that easy. Nurse more = more breast milk. Or pump it if you are not able to do day feelings because of work or other commitments. Although I must say that mothers milk tea does absolutely work. I didn’t have supply issues but once I weaned to solids around 12 months I decided to give it a go. Yea. Wowza. I had double or triple the breast milk when I pumped and froze the bm!

    • Not necessarily… I am still EBF and my supply has suddenly dropped. We have not decreased the number of feedings, so I am trying to figure out why the sudden change. The only things I can think of are that I recently had a tooth extracted and was limited in what I could eat… ended up eating less than normal and it resulted in the drop. That or possibly lack of sleep as LO is suddenly waking up more at night (and is therefore feeding more so again, I should be making more milk, not less). These things happen… thanks for these suggestions, I hope they can help me!

      • Good luck! We can definitely agree that not everything works for every mom, and it can be hard to figure out why things change. Hope these suggestions help!

    • Labey, your comments come across as very judgemental, like you are the breastfeeding expert. I quote you “The more you nurse. The more breast milk you make. The less you nurse. The less breast milk you will make. It’s that easy.”. Unfortunately people who are reading this, are looking for help, encouragment, ideas and not judgement. As we know with everything in life, there are a lot of contributing factors to breastmilk supply.
      To all you moms who are trying to increase supply, YOU GO GIRL! You are doing everything you can to nurture your baby and I’m sure the best you can as a mom!
      To the moms who formula feed or supplement YOU GO GIRL! The most important thing is to reach a goal where your baby is happy and healthy!
      I could not EBF due to a past surgery and I was so discouraged and frustrated, but it was not physically possible and my baby is 5 months and doing fantastic! 🙂 So yay me!
      P.S. breastfeeding and EBF and co-sleeping do not necesarily go hand in hand.

  5. Also night feeding and co sleeping kind of go hand in hand. If you are bf or EBF then you most likely will be cosleeping as well which means your night supply should stay relatively stable until you start to wean.

    • Why would you be most likely co sleeping if you are bf’ing..? I am bf’ing and would never co sleep. It’s flat out dangerous. I just get up, so that my baby can sleep safely.

  6. Thanks for sharing this! My son is almost 9 months and about a month ago I had gotten my period and noticed my son was clawing at my chest within minutes of finishing nursing. Finally I thawed some milk and he drank 4 oz only 20 mins after finishing nursing. I’m now drinking the tea, taking fenugreek and trying to boost my water. Your food suggestions and smoothie recipe look awesome and I’m planning on trying it tomorrow!

  7. my baby stopped eating from me three weeks ago and now my supply has beed decreasing drastically. I need to know what can I do so I can produce enough for her she doesnt eat formula and I dont want to stress out…. Any advice?

    • I would try lactation cookies, fenugreek, mother’s milk tea, eating oatmeal (not instant, but the good stuff) and drinking a beer (like Guinness) nightly. I would suggest bringing the baby to breast as much as possible when you are together, resisting the urge to bottle feed and having baby feed just off you. When baby is sleeping or you are not together, I would pump as much as possible, stimulating the breast at least every 2 hours to single the body to produce milk to feed your baby. Best of luck mama!

  8. Dear hard working moms,
    I am indian and here r a few other Indian ways of helping milk supply –
    Nuts – almond walnut – soak overnight and eat in morning
    Dry coconut (about 2-3 tbsp) with jaggery ( 1tbsp)
    Peanuts – fist full
    My pediatrician suggested 3 cups of milk daily (with flavors)
    Fenugreek seeds – locate Indian section in your grocery stores or go to an indian one. U’ll find fenugreek seeds. Roast them (12-15) lightly and crush them into powder. Mix in 1/2 cup yogurt and eat. Of course it’ll be a bit bitter, but u can add honey or sugar. And it is also ok to not crush them. I prefer crushing them.
    Water is always your best buddy

    Last but not the least – find a herbal/Ayurvedic medicine “Shatavari” – Vit shoppie or amazon. ~4 a day or what’s on the bottle. If u take 2-4 tabs more in a day, it’s not going to harm. trust me no side effects at all.

  9. Love your blog. I am on baby #3 and have always had to supplement because of supply issues. This time around I decided to try more supply boosting things. She is 1 month old and though I am still having to supplement my supply has increased a little. Haven’t tried the smoothie yet, but that is next on my list. Thanks!


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