I'm always jealous when I hear moms talk about how their child has always been a great sleeper -- laying down without a fuss and waking up happy 12 hours later at only a few months old. This was SOOOO...
I was ready for everything to go wrong. When I found out I was pregnant with my first son, I knew I wanted to nurse. I wanted to nurse in that formula-is-poison, I’m-an-obnoxious-first-time-hippie-mama-and-the-baby-hasn’t-even-come-out sort of way. And since I’d recently...
In the first weeks of parenting, new parents get advice from all directions. Whether they want it or not. When my son was born, we lived in North Carolina. Our county sent a health visitor to meet with each new...
A couple of months before my daughter was born a girlfriend took me to register at a big box baby store. Strolling the aisles with my scanner in hand, I was overwhelmed by the amount of products one tiny...
You've carried him or her in your belly for nine months, dreaming about the day your little bundle of joy will arrive! You've been able to feel every hiccup, thump, and kick. Each night while you try to find...
Your house looks like a frat party gone wrong and you ran out of clothes baskets two weeks ago. Basically, you need to wear your baby, i.e. strap him to yourself in some way as to give you free...
Let’s face it, as the weather heats up, the city of Columbia starts to get cooler. Farmers markets are popping up everywhere, green spaces and walking trails appeal again, entertainment options are blossoming, and festivals abound. These are all...
Thank goodness babies get teeth when they are small. And thank goodness babies don't whine quite like they do once they become toddlers and start talking. Because it must be absolutely MISERABLE for those pearly whites to make their...
Traveling with little ones can be quite a challenge. They don't like to sit still for long periods of time, they have tiny tummies, they make big messes, and they can only entertain themselves for so long. Over the past...
I began using infant massage on my oldest daughter, Joce, long before it was the mainstream thing to do. She always had a very finicky stomach and was put on a medicinal regimen at two weeks old for severe...

To Co-Sleep or Not?

When my husband and I first started talking about having a family, we had our list of things we would not allow our children to do. They would not throw tantrums in public. They would eat what we prepared for them. They...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...