You know how your parents always used to say, “You’ll thank me when you’re older?” And it was usually right before or after they did something annoying, like lay down some silly rule about curfews or dating. As soon...
My little girl turned two in March. We spend over $100 a month on diapers and wipes. I am ready for her to learn how to use the potty and to wear actual underpants that I can wash (yes,...
I don't know about you, but the holidays get me feeling extra crafty! Whether I'm making crafts for loved ones' holiday gifts, or just filling up those long winter days, I'm always looking for new projects to do with...
The days of diapers, potty seats, and pull-ups in my family are long gone. But I still remember it like it was yesterday... One of my children potty trained pretty quickly, while the other took longer. We consulted our pediatrician,...
My 2-year-old LOVES to be outside. He takes any chance he gets. If we open the back door to let the dog, he races to the door too. When he sees the door to the garage, he'll stand there...
  We are over a year into a global pandemic, and communicating through video calls is now a normal way of life for many. It can be fraught with technical difficulties, but we usually make it work. I applaud those...
My son is two and a half years old, and has been pretty consistently angelic for the majority of his life. Lately, he's showing me the other side of his personality. The deep sea monster that is always lurking...
  When my elder daughter was about 4, I figured it was a good time to take her in to see a pediatric dentist. I brushed her teeth twice a day, gave her only water at bedtime and flossed (occasionally). So...
Dear one-year-ago me, I remember the pain of that last month of pregnancy. Your pelvis aches every moment of the day – the only difference is whether it’s merely uncomfortable or outright painful. You can hardly sleep between the heartburn,...
Toddlers are tiny tornadoes of destruction. They can tear apart a tidy room in about five minutes. Certainly NOT what you’d call conducive to keeping an immaculate house. Heck, I am not conducive to keeping an immaculate house. Neither...
“They grow up so fast. It happens in the blink of an eye.” For years I have heard other, more experienced parents utter these words to me. And while I understood the sentiment and grasped the concept of the years of...
Plenty of dollars spent on toys this year and what keeps my son occupied for hours? A salad spinner. With all the sick and rainy days so far, we have spent more than enough time stuck inside. Even though...
Do you remember seeing that viral video of a little girl shouting affirmations to herself in the mirror? If you missed it, take 50 seconds to watch because it's kind of important to this article: There are many benefits to...
I have a secret. Actually, I have two secrets. While all of you have been debating whether to co-sleep with your babies, let them cry, or are telling me they’ve slept peacefully and alone since they came home from the...

In + Around Columbia

Mother’s Day in Columbia: 4 Ways to Make Mom Feel Special!

Mother's Day in Columbia and beyond is quickly approaching. Are you ready?! I can't help but look back on my own mother and all the...