"Mommy cried," my 3-year-old tells my husband as soon as he gets home. He’s always telling on us to each other, so I knew it would come up. "Mommy cried" is the most simple explanation of what actually happened, so...
Recently, I posted on my social media page regarding my toddler's nap time and grocery shopping. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only mommy with this problem or who felt this way. Thanks to my 20-month-old, grocery shopping has become my...
Fashion has always been a mystery to me. Like how do you match those crazy patterned leggings? I can never find a shirt that looks right with them. Also, when did baggy shirts come back in style? And why...
Looking for something FREE to do with your kids now that we are in the thick of summer? Check out this list!  Splash Pads and other FUN with water Columbia’s got several splash pads, all of them free (be sure to call...
As a stay-at-home mom, one of the things I've been thinking a lot about is how I'm going to entertain my baby during the sweltering Columbia summer months. There are some great places to visit with your baby (Riverbanks Zoo,...
It's no secret we love Carowinds and all the fun and excitement they offer children and parents alike ... and now it just got better! Opening for the spring 2018 season, Carowinds will debut a newly expanded kids’ area. Formerly...
I sat on the living room floor completely defeated, worn out, and feeling burning hot tears sear a path down my cheeks. I was ready to give up, give in, and give out. My body was spent. My mind...
In June, I wrote about Reading With Your 3 and Under Child. The funny thing about kids is, they tend to grow! As they grow, they start to do really fun things with books and reading ... like have...
My son is two and a half years old, and has been pretty consistently angelic for the majority of his life. Lately, he's showing me the other side of his personality. The deep sea monster that is always lurking...
The other day my husband announced to me that we really needed to start working on our son's literacy skills. I tilted my head and was like, "What do you mean?" In my mind, our son is essentially a literary genius. I...
"How do I entertain my two-year-old all day long?" I could feel the desperation in that mom when I read the Facebook post. I scanned the replies and thought most suggestions seemed like a lot of work. But maybe she...
This is the era of the infant. Babies get everything they could possibly need or want, and then some. And just when I think babies have it ALL, they come out with something new, and I’m awestruck. There were...
I began using infant massage on my oldest daughter, Joce, long before it was the mainstream thing to do. She always had a very finicky stomach and was put on a medicinal regimen at two weeks old for severe...
Two months ago, we sold our house and moved across town … with our toddler. Moving is a serious transition for anyone and when you throw in a toddler, it just gets that much more exciting. I remember asking a...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Museum of Art Offers Free Summer Admission to South Carolinians

The Columbia Museum of Art has been selected to participate in Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program, a transformative, three-year funding initiative aimed...