In 2015 I left the best friends, boss, co-workers, and job I had ever had to make the move to the famously hot Columbia for a better life for our family. Yes, folks, Columbia offered a better life than...
Although the back-to-school sales might tell us otherwise, we are not even halfway through the summer. There is still plenty of time to enjoy Columbia's "famously hot" weather. In our home, we keep our swim bags stocked and ready...
I am notorious for killing houseplants. Don’t water too much. Never water. Indirect sunlight. Full sunlight. Regardless of what I did or didn’t do, I ended up with dead houseplants. So of course when we bought our first house, and...
Recently, I moved to a new job station (aka cubicle) at work. Well, I’m a hoarder by nature. So, this move provided a good opportunity to clean and purge. I threw away items I no longer needed (or kept...
In honor of Nurses Week and Mother's Day, it's time to acknowledge the special experience of growing up with a nurse as a mom.  I remember my mom going back to school, even though people tried to discourage her. I...
My little one just turned three and it is getting more difficult to keep her entertained for any extended period of time. I stay home with her and she currently does not attend pre-school, so we have a LOT...
A new year kicks off and we begin to embark on achieving our New Year’s resolutions, there may be a resolution your forgot to make - getting your professional self together! Never fear, there is still plenty of time!...
A new year is here! It’s time to reflect, release, and reject bad habits. Look out, summer, I’m getting my body ready to lay on the beach! Here’s to that new savings plan that’s all the rage on Facebook:...
No, I am not a military brat (although my dad is a Marine). I am the daughter of a man who left the military for the business world. The daughter of a very driven man who constantly found better...
During this wonderful time of year we give our time, love, and a few baked goods to others in our life. Sometimes we forget about ourselves. But we shouldn't. We are just as important as the people in our...
What a magical time of year we are currently living (surviving?) through. Just kidding ... although it certainly feels like we are doing our best to make it from day to day sometimes. Regardless, there's no denying how truly special...
In the past I've struggled with coming up with ideas other than candy and fruit to stuff stockings. So this year I decided to branch out and make a list of other options. And since I went to all...
It started with Halloween. All of a sudden, I blinked and it was October. Did we make it to the pumpkin patch this year? Nope. Did we even get pumpkins to carve? Nope. I do still have a small...
I was talking to a friend one day and she dropped a nugget of wisdom that I continue to revisit. I honestly don’t remember what the exact conversation was about, but she commented that she had low guilt about a...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids