Earth Day is April 22, and there are so many fun and exciting ways to celebrate! Whether you plan on staying close to home, taking a day trip, or venturing out in Columbia, there are lots of ways to...
Trust me - if anyone has this problem, it’s me! My name is Meej and I’m addicted to my phone! We go everywhere together and spend lots of time with one another. We document all the places we go and...
I remember as a little girl my mom would cover our kitchen table with the latest edition of The State newspaper. She would line up all of our coffee mugs and drop colored tablets in them with vinegar and...
South Carolina currently ranks 5th in the nation for the number of women murdered by men as a result of domestic violence. Over the past month our community has been rocked to its core with several accounts of domestic violence on...
I have a confession to make. I’m not perfect. I’m an under-slept, over-worked mother of five boys who doesn’t see her yoga mat (or husband) enough. And I do it to myself. If I get one more Wonder Woman card...
Toddlers are tiny tornadoes of destruction. They can tear apart a tidy room in about five minutes. Certainly NOT what you’d call conducive to keeping an immaculate house. Heck, I am not conducive to keeping an immaculate house. Neither...
Mothers everywhere may read the title and immediately gasp internally - or externally even. How could any mom fall out of love with their firstborn? Well, you see, before I gave birth to my daughter, Mackenzie, I had my first "babies" -...
Nearly five years ago, we moved into my parents' basement after the recession and job loss left us struggling to make ends meet. Two years ago, we felt we maybe had a good enough handle on our finances to start...
When I moved to Columbia from sunny south Florida eight years ago, I’m not going to lie, I sort of arrived kicking and screaming. I loved my hometown, and in my mind the South seemed like a “whomp-whomp” place to...
This is not advice about wrinkle creams. I have no idea which ones do or don't make you look younger. It's a story about getting my driver's license renewed. This no doubt sounds horribly boring, but bear with me.  I...

New Year, Same Me

Oh, New Year. The time to change yourself for the better and turn over a new leaf. Time to make those resolutions and actually follow through with them this year. I do it every year. I tell myself I’ll workout...
With colder weather quickly approaching, now is the time to start thinking about “winter proofing” your home. Temperatures are gradually falling with each passing day. It’s evident, especially in the winter mornings, when you have to wake up a...
Growing up, my non-Jewish friends were fascinated with Chanukah because my parents gave me gifts for eight nights. Most agreed all those presents made up for not being on Santa's list. (The jury is still out on this one for me...
Dear Boys, There is Santa Claus. When I was young, there were Christmas seasons our family had very little. My sister, brother, and I never knew, because our hearts were so full of the holiday magic happening around us. I remember...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids