What Is on Your Christmas Wish List?


It’s the time of year when people ask each other “What do you want for Christmas?” – but how often do you mean what you say in response to that question?

Many times, I have been asked the question, “Is there anything that you want or need for Christmas?” My first reaction is to respond by saying, “No, I don´t need anything in particular.” And while it’s true that I might not need anything, I start thinking more in-depth about it and realize that I do have a wish list. It’s just that the things on my wish list aren’t things that can be bought at a store. 

1. To have some help around the house

This one is a big one for me! With chores, with food prep, with laundry…I could definitely use a house fairy! 

2. To run errands without my kids

I would love to be able to sneak outside my house without my kids and run some errands. Even if it’s just for 30 minutes, I’ll take it! 

3. Time with friends

I would love to have a day where I can just get together with my friends to catch up.

4. A sock matching machine

I would love to have a machine that puts together pairs of socks. This would be a life-saver for me! I mean, what happens to socks in the dryer? Sometimes I think there’s a little troll in there that eats them up.

5. More hours in the day

I wish I could have more than 24 hours in a day. I know this isn’t really feasible, but it sure would be nice. 

I understand that we can try to look for babysitters and for people who can help with cleaning our house. But, why are we paying someone for these services and giving/receiving holiday gifts that we won’t really use, that don’t fit well, and/or that we don’t even like? Instead, what if someone gave you a voucher for Christmas that is valid for an afternoon doing chores together? Or an afternoon of babysitting, so you can run errands, have a date night, a girls night out, or just get some rest? I think this is something we should normalize. It would sure satisfy my Christmas wish list!

What’s on your Christmas wish list?

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Luz Zertuche Mery
Luz has been happily married for seven years and is a proud mom to three girls, four years and under. She is originally from Mexico but has lived in Tennessee, Texas, and South Carolina. South Carolina has been her family's home for almost two years (but they have been in Columbia only six months, so she is eager to explore all the city and its surroundings have to offer). So far, she has really enjoyed going to the Riverfront Park, picking strawberries at different farms, eating ice cream at Rosewood Dairy Bar, and going to events at the State Fairgrounds. She is a stay-at-home mom, avid churchgoer, and community helper. Some of her passions include reading, cooking/baking, listening to music, learning new languages, exercising by watching fitness videos, and traveling. She recently started to learn all about gardening and loves it (it has turned into a family activity for the weekends).


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