Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking of all the sweet moments that I've been having with my 23-month-old daughter. I’ve been very present in those tender moments with her when she gives hugs, and looks at me,...
So it's totally normal for my child to be obsessed with the movie Frozen, right? Like utterly obsessed?! "Anna, Elsa, Olaf" are the first words out of her mouth as soon as she is awake. She randomly repeats it throughout the...
I am about to begin potty training my third child, and this time around I feel more confident having successfully potty trained two children already. However, I have learned throughout the years that potty training is a very personal...
  We are over a year into a global pandemic, and communicating through video calls is now a normal way of life for many. It can be fraught with technical difficulties, but we usually make it work. I applaud those...
The days of diapers, potty seats, and pull-ups in my family are long gone. But I still remember it like it was yesterday... One of my children potty trained pretty quickly, while the other took longer. We consulted our pediatrician,...
My 2-year-old LOVES to be outside. He takes any chance he gets. If we open the back door to let the dog, he races to the door too. When he sees the door to the garage, he'll stand there...
So far this year, winter weather has been just as unpredictable as usual. One day it’s sunny and the next the temperature drops and it rains. With a two year old at home, it can be hard to plan...
Ah, October. Finally, the temperatures have dipped to make outdoor activities slightly more bearable than they were a month ago. In addition to milder days spent at the zoo, the park, and the Riverwalk, October also means fun seasonal...
As a mom of three children, I have found an increasing need for things to keep my youngest busy. I’ve tried (to no avail) to find enough time in the day to do everything I need to do with...
When I was pregnant, lots of well-meaning people told me how great babies were. They remembered with fondness on the days of rocking a baby to sleep, tiny fingers and toes, and the first smile. When my daughter was an...
I guess I should have known better when we accidentally started rescuing cats, even though I’m allergic (another story for another time). Not every teeny tiny kitten is going to make it. After we got Tipsy and then rehomed this...
"How do I entertain my two-year-old all day long?" I could feel the desperation in that mom when I read the Facebook post. I scanned the replies and thought most suggestions seemed like a lot of work. But maybe she...
Your Pediatric Toothpaste Questions Answered Your child’s first tooth is a major milestone. It marks a new stage – and is often accompanied by a new list of questions from first-time parents. Wild Smiles Children’s Dentistry can help answer those...
With birthday parties approaching in our family, I've been paying special attention to ideas for party locations, themes, recipes, and ways to decrease the horde of gifts about to rain down on my home. Hey, I get it. There...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...