Asking for help isn't easy, but sometimes, not having help is harder - too hard. And for that reason, we as parents soon learn that we have to learn a new skill: asking for help. In our culture, we seem...
Everyone loves a handmade gift for special holidays, but it can be an overwhelming task to take on. Below are five super easy and inexpensive crafts you can tackle with your toddler to create those perfect handmade gifts for Valentine's Day.  Toilet...
In my house, if you say it, you stick to it. That's why, as a parent, my own parents taught me to be very careful when it came to threats and promises. My husband and I, a total tag...
Recently, I posted on my social media page regarding my toddler's nap time and grocery shopping. Surprisingly, I wasn't the only mommy with this problem or who felt this way. Thanks to my 20-month-old, grocery shopping has become my...
"Mommy cried," my 3-year-old tells my husband as soon as he gets home. He’s always telling on us to each other, so I knew it would come up. "Mommy cried" is the most simple explanation of what actually happened, so...
What is Babywearing? Babywearing is the practice of carrying your baby (or even your toddler) up against you with the assistance of some sort of sling, wrap or other type of carrier. While babywearing has gained popularity more recently, it's...
Fashion has always been a mystery to me. Like how do you match those crazy patterned leggings? I can never find a shirt that looks right with them. Also, when did baggy shirts come back in style? And why...
When we completed potty training with our third child I remember shouting from the rooftops (OK, not really, it was just Facebook) that we were ‘almost’ a diaper free house. Little did I know that we would be embarking...
Looking for something FREE to do with your kids now that we are in the thick of summer? Check out this list!  Splash Pads and other FUN with water Columbia’s got several splash pads, all of them free (be sure to call...
It's 10,000 degrees outside in Columbia right now, which makes it the PERFECT time to log some quality time at the library, or cuddle up with some iced tea and a stack of great books at home! While we...
Once upon a time my mother would read to us every night. We would go from book to book and explore each experience and the feelings they created within us. We read everything from the hilarious Amelia Bedelia, tongue...
Have you heard about love languages? It's basically five different ways to show your love for someone else. As an adult, you can take a quiz to see what ways you like to be loved, and how you prefer...
Father's Day without dad can be rough. We've all seen the reunion videos of moms and dads who have been away finally coming home and surprising their kids. In fact, some of us, right here in Columbia, know exactly how...
My son is two and a half years old, and has been pretty consistently angelic for the majority of his life. Lately, he's showing me the other side of his personality. The deep sea monster that is always lurking...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids