Ask Me First! | Columbia SC Moms Blog

Ask Me First!

It’s come to my attention that not every parent raises their kids the way I do. This isn’t a bad thing. After all, the diversity in opinions, the uniqueness of ideas, the variety of life hacks is what makes...
New moms get loads of advice, whether they ask for it or not! Personally, I'm not a fan of unsolicited advice, but IF asked, I do like to recommend books.  Many people are split on whether reading books before having...
2017 was another great year for the Columbia SC Moms Blog! We are so thankful to all you, our readers, who were right there with us as we shared stories about our families, highlighted all the fun things to...
From the moment my husband and I decided it was time to start our family, I have been surprised by many things related to pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood/parenting. Things I didn't know about and didn't expect. There is so...

First Baby, Second Baby

Let's face it, for most of us who have multiple children, our parenting styles and perceptions can change a lot from the first child to the second and even from the second child to the third. You may think of...
I first attempted babywearing when I had my son 13 years ago. As a teenage mom, I didn't know very much about it except that I could place my baby in a pouch instead of actually carrying him. My...
Q: What’s the safest way for a newborn to sleep? A: Infants should sleep on their backs because research shows it can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Some parents ask me if they should reposition their...
It was just under six and a half years ago when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I had just quit my job to go back to school and get my teaching certification. I had...
I am a children's librarian by trade. Before I was even thinking about having a baby, I was reading aloud in story time and telling parents and caregivers why reading aloud to their children was so important. I read...
Recently I've been reflecting on the past two years raising my daughter and I've come to a conclusion: this motherhood thing is not easy. Especially, if you are like me and are a little older (I gave birth to...
15,000 diapers.  That's how many diapers one mom told me she had changed in her lifetime. 15,000! I polled a few friends and this estimate was certainly the funniest, especially since she added "this is gross." I'm not sure that mom...
For the past 20 years or so, I have been telling people what their kids should be reading. I was a school librarian for 15 years and before that, I worked at various book stores around town. I think...
We are those people you hate, those people with one child that sleeps 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. practically every night. In case you are a new mom who wants to know how we did it, I’m listing all...
Ah, another Saturday, another stack of invitations to baby's birthday parties. But what do you buy for the squishy toddler who has everything? Another toy to clutter up their living room? Their 10,000th stuffed animal? Or how about something...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Museum of Art Offers Free Summer Admission to South Carolinians

The Columbia Museum of Art has been selected to participate in Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program, a transformative, three-year funding initiative aimed...