Before my son was born, I decided I was going to give breastfeeding a try. My goal was to make it to a year, but if that did not happen, fed baby was best and I was okay with...
I opened my Facebook account and up popped a photo memory from two years ago. My baby boy was bald with a big smile, lying on his changing table, grabbing onto and fascinated with his feet. He found them,...
I just got back from an unexpected trip to visit ailing family, and I learned a thing or two about traveling alone with a 1-year-old. Expectations Although I knew it was going to be difficult, I was still excited for my...
As I sit here on the carpet in my son’s nursery folding yet another batch of clothes for the attic that are too snug for him, I had an epiphany. Grief in motherhood is always in season. Out of...
How has it almost been a year since you joined our family? It was like I blinked and just yesterday I was back at the doctors’ office, sitting impatiently waiting to go back to work while the doctor reviewed the ultrasound screen....
In a few months, my toddler-beast will turn two and with that, I will have officially made it to my breastfeeding goal of at least two years as recommended by the World Health Organization. While we are in no...
Y'all, bedtime can be stressful with little children. You're tired. Your baby is tired. It's just not a fun time. Note I said it can be stressful. But, it doesn't have to be! For the first 2 1/2 years of my...
It was going to be a lovely Friday. It was my day off after having been back to work for four full weeks post-maternity. I was looking forward to cleaning/tidying up the house, a pedicure and other wonderful things...
Dear one-year-ago me, I remember the pain of that last month of pregnancy. Your pelvis aches every moment of the day – the only difference is whether it’s merely uncomfortable or outright painful. You can hardly sleep between the heartburn,...
It was about ten years ago. My husband and I nervously awaited the results of our first 20 week ultrasound. Like most expectant moms, I was excited to find out if we were having a boy or a girl,...
I love reading. But what I do not love, but want to love so badly, is reading baby books. I’m not talking about the classic “What to Expect” books or the Wonder Weeks, although I could tell you how...
My husband always scolds me when I tell whoever compliments my outfit, shoes, purse, whatever, that I got the item at Target on the clearance rack. He thinks it is very strange that I don't just say, "Thanks," but instead...
Here we sit, thick in the throes of summer. As parents, we are constantly attempting to create engaging activities for our children to pass the time. However, there are most certainly limitations when your kids are at the preschooler and infant stages...
When I started my baby registry, I was completely overwhelmed by the options and the amount of stuff I needed, or thought I needed, to prepare for baby. There are the obvious things, like diapers and bottles, but there is so...

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