Date night. It’s that special night you get to wear a cute outfit with non-mom friendly shoes and paint the town with your significant other. You can venture to a new restaurant that doesn’t have a kids menu. After...
I sat there staring at my phone. Should I text her? Maybe if I call her. Or should I just not do either? I found myself feeling torn and not knowing what to do. I probably stared at my...
I was “that” wife who grew irrationally irritated at mud left on my clean floors from other’s feet (read husband). Was it really so hard to wipe off your shoes ON the mat at the door before you came...
The mother-daughter relationship: to many it’s very special—irreplaceable even. For several women, their moms are the ones who teach them everything about love, life, and childrearing. Moms are the ones we turn to when we need to cry over...
Before we were married, my husband lived in Korea for three years and loved it. Consequently, we have added Korean cuisine and some Korean customs to our home. One Korean custom we've adopted is their concept of Valentine's Day. In...
There is a lot of talk at the beginning of the year about new resolutions and new starts. The year is spread in front of you, and it is nice to put the shortcomings of the last year behind...
Friends, family, acquaintances ... I want to tell you something: when I say I want to help, I WANT to help. That phrase may not seem like it needs clarification, but I often find myself reminding people of it. You...
I live a charmed life – I know it and am the first to admit it. I had a happy childhood, a fun time in high school (for real), expanded my horizons in college, and have really had a...
It's "Grandparents Day" and there are so many different ways people celebrate! Some families are lucky enough to have all the grandparents nearby and have great relationships with them (I envy you). Others might be spread across the country and...
In 2015 I left the best friends, boss, co-workers, and job I had ever had to make the move to the famously hot Columbia for a better life for our family. Yes, folks, Columbia offered a better life than...
Growing up, it was only me and my mom. My parents divorced when I was little and I didn’t see my father much. I’ve seen him once in my adult life and truth be told, the encounter was super...
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed a few days ago when I saw a fellow mom blogger's post about being mom-shamed by a cyber bully. The mom blogger has one of those cute letterboard photo feeds where she...
To be blunt, it’s all a matter of words. So we should have been just fine; we’re both lovers of the written language. We even watched a full Great Courses lecture series on linguistics and discussed together how the...
Depending on your view of Easter, it’s either a religious holiday or another excuse to eat and exchange gifts. I’m the latter (read my other post about How to be a Southern Mama and NOT be Religious). I love...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids