My first memory is of being about three years old, and I am sitting in the driver's seat of my dad's boat. I can remember seeing my dad and uncle leaning over the front of the boat working on...
As writers, we constantly share and put ourselves out there on this website, and always in the hope that we reach just one other person who can say, "Girl, yes!" With that in mind, I want to share some...
I have been blessed to be married to my husband for almost 10 years and every year, without exception, we have made it a priority to take an anniversary trip. There have only been two years when we didn't...
If you are a mom, you know that something about Christmas changes when you have a child. Even before your little ones are old enough to understand anything about the meaning of Christmas, there is enough different about this...
Like so many other couples in their late 30's and early 40's, my kids' dad and I have decided that our romantic relationship is no longer viable. Our individual story is not of particular importance, although I will say...
Having the opportunity to be stationed back home in South Carolina where my husband and I both grew up has been such a blessing. Our extended families live close enough to visit for a day trip if we'd like, and we...
We'd lived in the neighborhood for five months and I still didn't know anyone with kids. My baby was almost one year old and I planned to make the most of Halloween. Armed with a plastic jack-o-lantern full of good...
I turned 55 this year. The first five years of my 50s have been filled with many realizations and clarifying moments. One of those realizations is that the older we get, the more consumed we become with our own...
When a friend loses a baby or pregnancy, it's really hard to know what to do and say. And often, the mother cannot really express what she needs. The first year after pregnancy or infant loss is especially difficult. As...
I feel like loose change. Middle-aged loose change. It’s not great. It’s a really weird time in my life right now. I’m kind of in a holding pattern and I need to stay here for a minute, and it’s...
Sometimes you need some time with your friends where you can relax and have fun. A moms night in is just as much fun as a moms night out ... and it's easier on the wallet! Here are five,...
We’ve all heard that making mom friends is like dating, right? And we all know how incredibly difficult it is to find friends and keep them (can I get an AMEN?). But how do we even start the process...
Times are different then they used to be, and as a parent I try to compromise as much as I can with my children. Growing up my mom kept us safe but she allowed us to do things she...
The first time I saw Taylor Swift perform, she was seventeen years old and opening up for Rascal Flatts. My husband and I had no idea who she was, as she was just breaking into the business at the...

In + Around Columbia

Weekend Events for Kids

** Events are subject to change. Be sure to click on the event link to verify date and time ** Please Note :: While we...