A week before the world shut down I welcomed my second son into the world. I'd heard about the Coronavirus and the outbreak in China, and cases in the U.S. had started to pop up, but what was about to...
I have anxiety. Maybe a lot. Well, enough to make me exercise every day and medicate from time to time. But, the more I ask around, I realize I am like most middle-class women, struggling to get it right, and...
Before I was pregnant, I heard of postpartum anxiety and depression (PPA/PPD), but I never thought they would affect me. I had never had mental issues like that. However, my daughter's birth came in a traumatic way. It was not...
Passover is one of my favorite holidays and also the one I am most likely to observe haphazardly. Don’t get me wrong - I love a rousing rendition of “Dayenu” and will absolutely eat your gefilte fish if you...
When my third child, Levi, was born, I pretty much knew what to expect during the newborn stage. I was no rookie at this point and was all too familiar with engorgement, sleepless nights, cluster feeding, diaper rashes, cradle...
For a lot of people considering adoption, "open adoption" is a scary word. I understand. I've been there. Having both adopted and then given birth to a surprise baby, I have some perspective. I also know the law here,...
As a new, young mom I learned some things once my daughter was born.  Newborns don’t necessarily love to sleep. Elastic waistbands should be required on every set of pants. Seriously, why do we need buttons when elastic is...

The FOMO is Real

Hey there new mama! Congratulations on your newest bundle of joy. Having a new baby is a wild ride. You made it through labor, and your new little one is here! You’re swarmed with visitors, cards, and gifts. You’re...
I know what you're thinking - breastfeeding is natural! Who needs any supplies? The whole point is that you can breastfeed with just your boobs and your baby. Although this is true, there are some breastfeeding products that can...
Our Milk Sharing Story There are a few different scenarios that might cause a family to seek out donor breast milk for their baby. A mother might have a medical condition that prevents her from breastfeeding or might keep her...
I was THAT future mom. You know, the naive woman who swears she will breastfeed no matter what. I mean our bodies are built to nurse, why isn't everyone doing it? I was dealt a harsh reality the day my...
"How do I entertain my two-year-old all day long?" I could feel the desperation in that mom when I read the Facebook post. I scanned the replies and thought most suggestions seemed like a lot of work. But maybe she...
Your Pediatric Toothpaste Questions Answered Your child’s first tooth is a major milestone. It marks a new stage – and is often accompanied by a new list of questions from first-time parents. Wild Smiles Children’s Dentistry can help answer those...
I LOVE Baby Led Weaning. While there is nothing wrong with traditional weaning, it just wasn't for us. I never liked spoon feeding babies, and I am really not interested in buying jars of baby food or blending up...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Museum of Art Offers Free Summer Admission to South Carolinians

The Columbia Museum of Art has been selected to participate in Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program, a transformative, three-year funding initiative aimed...